Journal of World’s Poultry Science (JWPS)
is an international peer-reviewed open-access journal that publishes original research reports, case reports, and reviews on poultry science. The
JWPS is currently dedicated to quarterly publishing articles in the subject areas of the poultry industry, husbandry and management, environment and welfare, exotic and wild birds, biochemistry and cellular biology, management of layer, broiler, breeder and quail, nutrition and feeding, physiology, genetics, reproduction and hatching, technology, processing and food safety, behavior, environment and welfare, pharmacology, hematology, oncology, molecular biology, poultry diseases, pathology, radiology, pharmacology, zoonoses diseases, diet formula, performance, carcass traits, survival, and probiotics. There is no Article Processing Charge (APC) in this journal up until the end of 2023. The DOI prefix code of the journal is 10.58803/jwps.
Journal Name: Journal of World’s Poultry Science
Journal initials: JWPS
Journal Abbreviation: J. World's Poult. Sci.
ISSN: 2980-7999
Publisher: Rovedar
DOI Prefix: 10.58803/JWPS
Frequency: Quarterly
Journal Statistics
Average time to preliminary assessment: 7 days
Average time to review: 28 days
Average time to publish: 35 days
Submissions: 40
Accepted articles: 21
Acceptance rate: 52%
Accepted Articles Published for Free: 100%